Frequently Asked Questions

What does Refund Sniper do?

Refund Sniper specializes in Amazon Inventory Accountability Auditing. In other words, Refund Sniper is here to ensure that EVERY unit you send in to Amazon, whether on Seller Central or Vendor Central, is accounted for. We analyze all the available data, identify every discrepancy, and file all those claims with Amazon for reimbursement.

Wait! Refund Sniper also audits Amazon Vendor Central accounts for discrepancies as well?

Yes we do! The data in Vendor Central can be overwhelming at times. Refund Sniper is here to make sense of it all and ensure that NOTHING falls through the cracks. We ensure every penny ends up right where it belongs…in your account.

What type of discrepancies is Refund Sniper looking for?

Refund Sniper is looking for anything that would create a potential discrepancy in your data.

In Seller Central audits, we are looking for issues pertaining to: Missing from inbound, lost in transit, damaged in transit, lost in warehouse, damaged in warehouse, discrepant inventory, inventory disposals, unaccounted for inventory, and any other discrepancy relating to inventory.

In Vendor Central audits, we are ensuring a fluid relationship between POs, receipts, and invoices. We audit COOP fees and pricing issues as well to ensure accuracy. We also work together with the vendor on a host of various chargeback claims as well.

Is there anything else that Refund Sniper does?

Sure! We also work with sellers to reconcile incorrect weight/dimension issues, which can lead to a host of inaccurate charges including FBA fulfillment fees, storage fees, long term storage fees, etc.

Define Refund Sniper in a few words…

Refund Sniper is about turning data into dollars. Our primary goal is to review your data and clean it up until the point that there are no discrepancies and nothing unaccounted for in that data. We do not simply go after big $ or large volume claims… We review EVERY potential claim because we are all about cleaning up your data and turning discrepancies into dollars.

How often will my inventory be reconciled and audited?

For Seller Central, Refund Sniper audits its clients’ accounts on a quarterly to bi-annual basis. At each audit, Refund Sniper will be reviewing the last 18 months of data. In essence, every quarter is audited 5-6 times. This process ensures that there is not a crumb left behind and that every reconcilable claim is carried out.

For Vendor Central, Refund Sniper generally audits its clients’ accounts on a regular ongoing basis due to the volume of data and the way those accounts operate.

Is any of your process automated or outsourced?

No! Not at all. Our entire audit process is carried out by in-house Refund Sniper employees – real live humans – who review all the data, run it through our proprietary algorithms using our technology, and then process the cases. No bots. No automation. This ensures that we operate efficiently, do not put undue burden on Amazon Seller Central, and comply with the Amazon Terms of Service (TOS).

I am currently using another inventory reconciliation service on my account—do I need to stop that service to work with Refund Sniper?

That is not necessary to begin working with Refund Sniper. Refund Sniper can reaudit quarterly what has already been audited by whatever service you are already using. After your first round with us, we encourage you to compare your results.

How do I sign up with Refund Sniper?

Send us your details through the contact form or email us at A member of our new client onboard team will reach out to you via email with instructions on the simple process of getting your account set up.

How long do Refund Sniper audits generally take?

Once the account setup process has been completed, Refund Sniper will begin the account audit shortly after. Refund Sniper audits vary based on account details and data. For Seller Central, our audits generally last anywhere from 7 days to 4 weeks (occasionally longer) depending on account size. For Vendor Central, again, depending on account volume and data, the process is generally ongoing.

What are your fees?

Refund Sniper does not charge a monthly fee, nor do we charge a fee for performing the audit itself. Refund Sniper simply charges 25% for Seller Central or 30% for Vendor Central of the refunds and reimbursements that we are successful in reclaiming for your account. If you are successful, then so are we.

Are there any other fees or anything else I need to know?

None at all! The ONLY fee is our %. Neither do we lock you into any specific time frame. If at any time you change your mind, you can simply let us know, and we will only bill for whatever we have already worked on. It’s that simple.

What happens when you complete my audit?

Once Refund Sniper finishes following up on all the cases filed, your audit is complete. Refund Sniper will issue a full detailed report of every case, reimbursement, outcome, and what it relates to, which can be compared against the data in your actual Amazon account. The reimbursements and refunds for these claims will go directly from Amazon into your seller or vendor account—Refund Sniper does not handle any of this money directly, nor do you have to claim it on your own.

How can I be sure that refunds received are due to Refund Sniper’s efforts? Sometimes I receive random credits/refunds from Amazon with no action on my part.

We will only charge a fee for recoveries, refunds, or inventory obtained through an Amazon Seller Central case ID that is generated by our staff. Other reimbursements, whether generated by your own staff or by Amazon unprompted, will not be included in our reporting and fees.

Do you have a referral program?

We certainly do! We offer an Amazon gift card (equivalent to 10% of the referred client’s 1st invoice) to anyone who refers a customer to us who actually ends up signing up for our service*. You can either make the introduction, or make sure that the referred account lets us know they were referred by you.

*Subject to terms & conditions